VAT consult
More than 20 years of experience as VAT advisor. 17 years
with big 4. Lawyer for a (little) while. Passionate about VAT.
Author. Professor. Member of the editorial board Fiscale Actualiteit (Kluwer). Co-author VAT Taxwin (Larcier).
Persistent. To the point. In-dept knowledge of the different legal sources. Pragmatic. Optimizations, (preferably) with preliminary consent of the VAT authorities.
Dutch. French. English. Notes of German.
Author. Professor. Member of the editorial board Fiscale Actualiteit (Kluwer). Co-author VAT Taxwin (Larcier).
Persistent. To the point. In-dept knowledge of the different legal sources. Pragmatic. Optimizations, (preferably) with preliminary consent of the VAT authorities.
Dutch. French. English. Notes of German.

More than 15 years of big 4. In-house tax management.
Experienced in Belgian and international VAT.
Various industries: shipping & logistics, oil & gas, real estate, retail and technology. Trusted advisor. Technical, yet pragmatic. Co-author VAT Taxwin (Larcier).
‘Get things done’. Delivering value. Client centric. Always with the long term in mind.
Dutch. French. English. Arabic.
Various industries: shipping & logistics, oil & gas, real estate, retail and technology. Trusted advisor. Technical, yet pragmatic. Co-author VAT Taxwin (Larcier).
‘Get things done’. Delivering value. Client centric. Always with the long term in mind.
Dutch. French. English. Arabic.

Our team
Laura Vinck
+10 years of experience. Big 4. Hands-on. Technical. International VAT. Supply chain. Due diligence.

Bert Guenter
+ 10 years of experience. Big 4. In-house tax manager. Lecturer. Practical mindset. Trusted advisor. Real estate. Non-profit. restructuring.

Marc Govers
+30 years of experience. Silent force. Knowledge. Publications. Team player.

Yves Bernaerts
+40 years of experience. Man who doesn't need an intro. Previous boss of both Bart and Mo. Sounding
board for the most complex issues. Founder Taxyb.

Sarah Vanderbiest
+15 years of experience. Organisation. QRM. Team player. Indispensable jack-of-all-trades.

Latifa Ahankour
+15 years of experience. Communicative. Punctual. Flexible. Team player.

Jeroen Van Loock
+7 years of experience as VAT expert in big 4. Technology. Data-analytics. Dashboarding.

This firm truly understands the financial sector
and fintech
— Senior VP Tax - Payments service provider
It's not just the vision what amazes me, but specially the capacity to navigate the complexity and still find the way to work it out!
— Global head of VAT
Ability to analyze complex VAT issues and to deliver practical deliverables with a focus on creating high value for clients!
— Indirect Tax Global Compliance & Reporting
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